Funds Management Association for the professional integration of people with disabilities (AGEFIPH)
Created by Act n° 87-517 dated 10th July 1987, Agefiph is an association responsible for managing development funds for the professional integration of people with disabilities; its purpose is to increase resources dedicated to the integration of disabled workers into a normal workplace. Its resources come from contributions from organisations with 20 employees or more as part of their legal obligation to employ.
It offers services and benefits to people with disabilities, whether they are seeking employment or already employed, and to companies of any size. About 45 % of actions concern companies with less than 20 employees.
At Agefiph actions mainly involve:
- Rallying the business world through information campaigns and consultancy diagnoses. They effectively complement awareness campaigns among so-called “zero quota” companies, meaning these companies have implemented none of the actions required by their 3-year obligation to employ, as provided for in the goals agreed between the government and Agefiph;
- Training: on this subject, qualification activities are a priority;
- Disability compensation;
- Introduction to employment and sustainability: Agefiph pays recruitment commission to encourage the integration of people with disabilities, but also seeks to strengthen the number of and activities organised by organisations involved in employment sustainability.
Agefiph assistance and support affect two categories of beneficiaries:
- People with disabilities
- Businesses
Both must meet specific eligibility criteria, depending on the help needed or the service they wish to benefit from. Every case is assessed according to its link with employment and disability. Cases are evaluated by regional delegations that decide on the attribution of benefits based on objective criteria and within the limits of available funds.
Agefiph’s missions are to promote the integration and continued employment of people with disabilities by private companies.
Agefiph contributes to employment policies conducted by the State. It serves businesses and people with disabilities and is at the heart of the partnership it fosters between economic, social and association partners. The scope of its operations means it is able to provide answers at all phases of integration.